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Mushroom Bone Broth Gravy

A tasty gravy with bone broth without using any butter or flours

To make a tasty gravy with bone broth without using any butter or flours of any kind you will need:


1 cup of your favourite mushrooms chopped

1 tbls soy sauce

350ml Dr Broth Bone Broth

1 tbls extra virgin olive oil

Tiny pinch of Xanthan gum

Squeeze of lemon juice


In a saucepan on a medium heat sauté the mushrooms in the olive oil.When golden brown add the soy sauce when it boils add the broth, turn it downto a simmer and sprinkle in a tiny pinch of Xanthan gum.

Simmer for a further few minutes. Add a squeeze of lemon juice andserve.

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