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Spicy Peanut Soup

This is also makes a beautiful sauce with grilled chicken or fish dishes.

You will need: 1 tub Dr Broth Chicken bone broth

1 butternut – peeled and chopped up

3 gem squash – cut in half and take out the seeds

1 tbls curry powder

1 tbls honey

2 tbls natural peanut butter


1 can coconut cream

1 fresh lime

2 tbls extra virgin olive oil


Preheat oven to 180˚c

In a mixing bowl, toss together your chopped butternut, honey curry powder and some salt

Transfer to a baking tray – if there is room on the tray, also put your gem squash – cut side down onto the tray. If not use a second tray.

Roast for about 20- 30 minutes until butternut is starting to get soft and has taken on some colour

Transfer the butternut, and scoop out the gem squash to a medium sized pot on your stove top.

Pour in the Dr Broth bone broth and bring to a simmer,

Simmer for about 15 minutes, making sure to stir from time to time.

When the soup base has thickened a bit, carefully stir in the peanut butter and the coconut cream

Carefully transfer to a blender and blend until smooth

Add some salt if necessary and squeeze in the juice of the lime.

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